TheST. Ann’s mercy HomeJust started its functions. The Home is blessed and Inaugurated by Most.Rev. Dr. George AntonySwamy Archbishop of Madras Malapore on 3rd December- 2017 in the presence of Rev. Sr .Elizabeth Antony Superior General, Rev. Sr. Pauline Augustine Provincial Superior, Sisters, Fathers, friends and well wishes.
The main aim of St. Ann’s Mercy Home is to provide a secure home for the destitute and the downtrodden to live out the rest of their lives. The old, the infirm, persons unable to earn their daily bread even by begging on the streets, people thrown out of their homes for no fault of theirs: these are the types of inmates that St. Ann’s Mercy Home houses with in its four walls. We meets their every needs including their food, clothing, medicines and most of all it instils in their minds a feeling that they are not unwanted in society and that there is somebody to look after them, showering them with love and affection and everything they need at the far end of their lives. The homes Project’s primary objective is to meet the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of orphaned and/or destitute people by providing them with love, care, nourishment, guidance, and the highest level of education so that they can grow to be valued members of society with a promising future and a memorable past.Yet another aim of the Home Project is to provide destitute or needy elderly persons with a clean, safe, comfortable and loving environment, in which to spend their golden years in dignity.
Simultaneously, To Give social awareness on social issues such as old age crises and mental health etc. to the society by organizing social meeting, doing publications/magazines periodically, write ups, making journals, making short documentary films, and other social interactive modes.To provide health care facilities to the poor/backward destitute old aged.To give them the confidence and make them feel that they are also part of the society and that they should play a responsible role in the society. To teach them secularism and respect for other religion without losing their own identity. To provide medical care and other activities like Yoga and physical exercises to improve the health of the members. To provide Educational & recreational facilities to the aged and provide facilities for them to lead a religious & meditative life.To promote self-confidence and spirit of self-reliance among the members to enable them to acquire necessary skills and guide them to achieve excellence in their fields of activity.
Need of Intervention: Many girl children are deprived of quality education, adequate health, various kind abuse and mindless exploitation and neglect, Lose of child hood and child rights, deviating away from the main stream of the society, and safety due to poor economic background, set back in the family and various other reasons. Children without parental care are at a high risk of abuse, exploitation and neglect. Large numbers of children end up in institutional care. All children due to their age are considered to be at risk for exploitation, abuse, violence and neglect. But vulnerability cannot be defined simply by age. Though age is one component, Vulnerability is also measured by the child’s capability for self-protection. The question that arises is, are children capable of protecting themselves. Can children provide for their basic needs, defend against a dangerous situation or even recognise a dangerous situation is developing? These questions call for a redefinition of the concept of self-protection. A child’s vulnerability comes from various factors that hinder a child’s ability to function and grow normally. Hence self-protection is more about the ability of the child to lead a healthy life within a child protection system; the ability to protect themselves or get help from people who can provide protection. To do and to render much required help to these categories children and Women are our priority and hence all our programs will ensure (CIA) child Impact Assessment, (GIA) Gender Impact Assessment and (EIA) Environment Impact Assessment for no adverse impact should affect the results of our programs and projects.
We find many children, orphans and Semi orphans, destitute, Street children, wondering homeless and parentless in the streets and on the road sides begging alms or labouring in the shops and factories for their livelihood. These children are victims of Physical, Emotional, and Sexual abuse and moreover they are exploited in many ways and hence they lose their childhood and their child rights. In the later stage they became addicted of drug and other substances. These children are used as drug peddlers in and around the college campus and other busy junctions.
They wanted to study and get educated but they are unable to study owing to their desperate conditions of not having parents and or any care takers. Moreover they are homeless. We have seen many orphans dying without meals and proper care. So we want to see our locality extending in and around without any orphans and destitute who is below 18 years old begging in the streets and labouring in any shops or factories. We want to shelter them in our care home and make them study and help them lead a dignified life in the society.Normally, the children in the age group of 4- 18 years leave their homes due to poverty, abuse and dysfunctional families, peer influence, attraction towards city, Overcrowded homes, alcoholism, Abandoning, School Phobia, failure in school, Adjustment problem, fear of teacher, Migration, unemployment, Massive urbanization, unequal distribution of wealth are also some reasons behind in appropriate life of these children.
Hence the broad perspective of this proposal is envisaged to discuss various schemes interconnected with counseling and rehabilitation, Vocational Training, formal and non-formal education and ensure these never deviate away from the main stream of the society, while much thrust has been given on the project intended to set up “ foster care home for care and Protection required children”,
We provide food, shelter, clothing and education, counseling, Follow up, and after their education vocational training, job placement and settlement of their life to these children.